For I have learned to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11-13 (NLT)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 5 of the Challenge: Where does FAITH come from?

After a week of waiting for a frozen chicken to defrost inside the refrigerator, I asked Neil to check the temperature setting to see if something was amiss.  I kept checking the bird every day but it was rock solid.  We finally took some action to make sure it would happen:  put the bowl on the counter for an hour while we lowered the temp inside the fridge, then moved the chicken to another shelf where it isn't as cold.  Two days later (today) it is finally ready to roast.

Sometimes when I am waiting on God to do something, I wait silently in peace, expressing faith that he will lead, guide or intervene.  Other times, when I am unsettled and a matter is more urgent, I picture myself like the bleeding woman who pushed her way through a crowd, flinging herself at Jesus' feet—we are both on a mission to get something from Him we desperately need.   

Faith is what allowed Stephen to forgive his murderers and die in peace, yet, faith allowed the other apostles to repeatedly escape capture and death for a time, as they continued to spread the gospel.  Our faith is not in the outcome, since we rarely know what that will be.  Our faith is placed firmly on Christ, "the champion who initiates and perfects our faith." (Hebrews 12:2 NLT)

Eating from the Pantry - Day 5
Fresh squeezed orange juice (thanks, Neil)
Homemade belgian waffles (thanks, Neil)
Coffee (Neil,'re probably wondering what I did to deserve all this devotion)
Cost for breakfast that will stretch for a few days $4

Lunch was a bowl of chili from yesterday, no additional cost.

I finally roasted the chicken for dinner tonight.

It cost $3.04, and there might even be a little leftover meat.

I seasoned it with sesame oil, soy sauce, garlic and basil and stuffed the cavity with onion and citrus. 

Here is the finished product which will be served with flavored rice and a veggie.  Total cost $5

While the chicken was roasting, I cooked elbow noodles and made a pound of macaroni salad to use as a side dish over the next few days (I'll include the cost when it's on the menu).  I'll probably bake some of the oatmeal cookies after dinner this evening.  I never make them all at once or they will disappear...

Total cost of today's menu (I'll include the cookie dough) $10

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